Main wordmark.
Caro fotos
Year: 2014
Brand Identity, Illustration, Print, Digital, Creative Direction
Carolina Sanchez is a photographer located in Chicago. She was born in Detroit, Michigan to parents who were born in Oaxaca, Mexico. After hearing her father's stories about working at a newspaper when he was younger in Oaxaca, Carolina became interested in photography and has followed her father’s footsteps and chosen a career as a photographer. Caro Fotos is the name of her personal photography brand.
• Visual Identity
• Primary Logo
• Alternate Logo and Watermark
• Business Cards
• Landing Page Graphic and Experience
• Resume Design
• Pattern
• Icons
Carolina's identities are as important to her as her photography is. With this in mind, we decided to pile on the personal touches. I developed a pattern composed of icons inspired by photography, indigenous cultures, and some of Carolina’s favorite things. The main typeface, Century Gothic, was created in the same year Carolina was born. We added another personal element by making her favorite color, yellow, the main color of the palette.
Two different versions of the business cards. Although the square card isn’t a standard size, we decided that the shape will stick out and make an impression.
Resume design, front and back.
Carolina captures many different emotions and groups through her photography and her scope of work is so different and unique from that of other photographers. The final branding truly sets her apart in Chicago’s saturated photo industry.
Website splash page graphic. The illustrations were intended to be clickable and link to the site’s navigation. Upon hover, they’ll activate and turn yellow. Photo icons link to Carolina’s most recent work, the Oaxacan textile icons link to her blog, and the Mayan number 9 link to her about me page.
Splash page with the main wordmark (left) and the site with alternate logo (right).
Alternate logo also used as a watermark.